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Effect of salbutamol on pulmonary responsiveness in chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation in guinea pigs BJMBR
Kasahara,D.I.; Perini,A.; Lopes,F.D.T.Q.S.; Arantes-Costa,F.M.; Martins,M.A.; Nunes,M.P.T..
Beta-2-agonists have been widely used by asthmatic subjects to relieve their obstructive symptoms. However, there are reports that continuous use could lead to loss of bronchial protection and exacerbation of asthma symptoms. We evaluated the effect of two regimens of salbutamol administration (twice and five times a week) in a model of chronic airway inflammation in male Hartley guinea pigs (protocol starting weight: 286 ± 30 g) induced by repeated exposures to aerosols of ovalbumin (OVA). After sensitization, guinea pigs were exposed to aerosols of 0.1 mg/ml salbutamol solution twice a week (OVA + S2x, N = 7) or five times a week (OVA + S5x, N = 8). We studied allergen-specific (OVA inhalation time) and -nonspecific (response to methacholine) respiratory...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salbutamol; Methacholine; Experimental asthma; Beta-agonist; Pulmonary responsiveness.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Short-term exposure of mice to cigarette smoke and/or residual oil fly ash produces proximal airspace enlargements and airway epithelium remodeling BJMBR
Biselli,P.J.C.; Lopes,F.D.T.Q.S.; Moriya,H.T.; Rivero,D.H.R.F.; Toledo,A.C.; Saldiva,P.H.N.; Mauad,T.; Martins,M.A..
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with inflammatory cell reactions, tissue destruction and lung remodeling. Many signaling pathways for these phenomena are still to be identified. We developed a mouse model of COPD to evaluate some pathophysiological mechanisms acting during the initial stage of the disease. Forty-seven 6- to 8-week-old female C57/BL6 mice (approximately 22 g) were exposed for 2 months to cigarette smoke and/or residual oil fly ash (ROFA), a concentrate of air pollution. We measured lung mechanics, airspace enlargement, airway wall thickness, epithelial cell profile, elastic and collagen fiber deposition, and by immunohistochemistry transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), macrophage elastase (MMP12), neutrophils...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Emphysema; Cigarette smoke; Airways; TGF-β1; Mouse airway epithelium remodeling; Proximal airspace enlargements.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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